Saturday, September 29, 2007
One of my favorite movies of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!! - The Sixth Sense Reviews
I saw this film 3 days after its release into the theatres. After we left the theatre I remember having the feeling of being tricked. I can usually predict the ending of movies that I watch, and usually don't like them if I'm right. However, it was different with this film. I really didn't expect it at all. Everything was done so perfectly that they hid the ending away, and yet shoved it in your face the entire time. M. Night did an amazing job and should've gotten an Oscar for, at the very least, Best Director, if not Best Picture. This was truely a tremendous film.
Fantastic, reversal of fate - The Sixth Sense Reviews
Fate is a bad thing, and does this movie teach you what can happen after your dust eating days have caught up to you. Think your still alive? Better check again! This movie catches you off guard, and shatters the typical plot driven thriller movie, and re~establishes the true meaning of suspense!
You think you figure it out, and then your caught with your mouth wide open wondering what the hell just happened here? Perfect movie.
A+ - The Sixth Sense Reviews
Very good movie, this movie is a rock your socks off movie with a twist in the story that makes you just studder for words.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Bloody great... - The Sixth Sense Reviews
THE SIXTH SENSE is a refreshing and absorbing ghost story that is much more than meets the eye. It is great to see a major Hollywood release go back to old school fright methods. Do not expect to see thrill-a-minute, falsely produced chills. This is a truly original piece of atmospheric filmmaking that earns the viewer's responses, which include frequent oohs and aahs and an occasional scream.
Writer-Director M. Night Shyamalan, a Philly native, presents a plodding build-up to one of the best payoffs I have seen in a thriller in the past few years. Seeing the film, I knew the young boy (played incredibly by Haley Joel Osment) has a "gift" and sees certain people walking around no one else can see. Shyamalan seems to have taken a page out of Hitchcock's VERTIGO, where the main thematic plot it not fully revealed untill crucial climactic scenes, and applied it to the boy's problems. It is most definitely a problem if you are interacting with people who supposedly no longer walk the earth. You may be unsure as to what he really is seeing until the great frights and charms of the picture hit you. You know when Shyamalan means for us to get it and become involved.
Bruce Willis is so reserved it is scary in itself and he plays off the boy very effectively. SIXTH SENSE takes place on some other plane of existence it seems. That is how I felt. Sometimes you wonder whether people are seeing the main characters, who are all, in varying ways, mixed up in this whirlwind of terrifying sights and dimensions. It is not manipulative and the scares do not need manufacturing. We are led through them as a good script should put an audience through.
Toni Collette has picked up a good South Philadelphia accent and is simply flabbergasted as to what the hell is going on with her seemingly gifted, yet sick, young son. Osment as "Cole", the boy star of the film outshines even Willis and shows he is capable of playing a character deeper than Forrest Gump Jr. (yep, that's him). There is a lot of religious reference to afterlife which is fitting and the so-called "twist" is indeed a twist to remember.
All involved in this surprising production should be proud of the fact that you can still keep an audience in traction with moody story-telling and visuals and NO computer-generated effects. Compare this to some of the current releases and realize how much better these bare bones are.
A great story - The Sixth Sense Reviews
While I agree, most of the movie is nothing out of the ordinary and nothing really exciting. But the ending makes it all worth watching, probably the only ending that amazed more than The Shawshank Redemption.
Awesome - The Sixth Sense Reviews
This is one of my favorite movies of all time. If you are in the mood for a suspenseful and spooky movie, then this is the best pick.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
D - for dumb humor - Wedding Crashers Reviews
I am simply let down everytime I get talked into going to an american made comedy. Who's rating these comedy movies... post pubescent boys and girls? I guess if you think bare breasted women, stupid cliches' and just plain dumb writing is funny... more power to you. I'll stick to the foreign comedies, until Hollywood can produce something more funny than this type of garbage.
D - for dumb humor - Wedding Crashers Reviews
I am simply let down everytime I get talked into going to an american made comedy. Who's rating these comedy movies... post pubescent boys and girls? I guess if you think bare breasted women, stupid cliches' and just plain dumb writing is funny... more power to you. I'll stick to the foreign comedies, until Hollywood can produce something more funny than this type of garbage.
D - for dumb humor - Wedding Crashers Reviews
I am simply let down everytime I get talked into going to an american made comedy. Who's rating these comedy movies... post pubescent boys and girls? I guess if you think bare breasted women, stupid cliches' and just plain dumb writing is funny... more power to you. I'll stick to the foreign comedies, until Hollywood can produce something more funny than this type of garbage.
Crap - a ripoff of angelheart w mickey rourke - The Sixth Sense Reviews
Let's see. The boy sees dead people. The boy sees Bruce Wllis.
Gee, what a mystery.
This sucked - better the first time - when it was called Angel Heart and starred mickey Rourke.
Oooooovvvvverrrrraaaaaaatttteeeddd - The Sixth Sense Reviews
What is allegedly one of the greatest thrillers ever plays like a movie from the 1920s. All the ingredients of a bad movie are present. Sixth Sense is boring, plotless, and boasts a total of about 25 seconds of entertainment in the whole film. Worst of all for a movie of this genre, it's not even remotely scary. What's so great about the kid's performance? He bored me to death. Bruce Willis is an overrated actor. This is one of the worst movies EVER. And what's worse is that people actually liked it! I can't understand. You'll hate a movie more if lots of people like it (I know from films like The Aviator and Spirited Away). So if you liked this movie, I can only say one thing: I SEE GAY PEOPLE.
I see dead actors-i see dead movie - The Sixth Sense Reviews
i cant see sh*t in fact.
its about a little boy ( his movie career finished before it even starts..) who see dead people everywhere all the time..and bruce is his doctor and is tryin to help him..
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I wish i got my money back at the theatre! - The Sixth Sense Reviews
I am a HUGE horror film fan, especially intelligent (ie more plot less gore)horror films. So when I first heard of this movie I was thrilled.
But then I saw the trailers and the trailers left me with a bad feeling. I thought, could they be so lame as to make Willis' character a ghost? Nah thats tooo obvious. But they kept pushing the "twist" ending..
I went first showing, first day with trepidation. Could this movie JUST be about the "twist" ending? Sadly it was..
Since I went in with the knowledge of Willis' character being a ghost and being confirmed of this fact the FIRST 10 MINUTES of the movie(I mean who can survive a gunshot like that??)I sat back and watched a one trick pony of a plot.
Twist endings are great when a movie does it right, like say Fight Club or Idenity but a movie that bases itself just around the twist is a poor excuse for a movie.
What would have made this movie great is if they centered it around the kid and not Bruce Willis' character. I would have loved seeing him help dead people more and less twisting the plot to fit the "surprise ending".
This is by far one of the worse, cliched horror movies I have ever seen.
Not bad... not bad... - The Sixth Sense Reviews
This is another of the predictable twists, yet you dont think youre right when you do predict that... its a good movie for anyone older than 10, and i reccomend it to anyone who would like a night of fun, and maybe some scares if youre not a thriller seeker
Good movie. - The Sixth Sense Reviews
I dno what the gigantic fuss is about? It wasn't that scary. But it was absolutely good. W/e. Great rental especially. I liked it.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Haley joel is a genius - The Sixth Sense Reviews
Without a doubt, one of the most in-depth thriller movies ever.Bruce Willis and the genius Haley Joel Osment worked excellent to present one of the best psycological thrillers.
C'mon ill show you where my dad keeps his gun... - The Sixth Sense Reviews
OMG This was such a good movie I have goosebumps right now and I watched two nights ago...
The movies surprise ending was predictable I already knew what would happen but besides that The Sixth Sense was a really cool movie. The acting was simply terrific and the story line was really good.
I do belive I was a bit young to watch it but I still loved it...
Some graphics sucked though thats why I gave them a C+...
I do hope someday everyone who reads this will watch the movie and have a nice time...
Surprise twist ending - The Sixth Sense Reviews
I regret watching this because it is against my religon but it is very very well made. The acting is superb and so is the plot . They also throw in a little twist at the end so see if you can guess what it is before it happens.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
It got me! - The Sixth Sense Reviews
Mabye the most twisted ending ever to be caught on film. M. Night's story is brilliant. To say any more would give it away.
Ok if the ending isn't spoiled.. - The Sixth Sense Reviews
this movie had a really interesting plot, unlike any other. I recommend this to anyone that can handle that kind of "scary" movie. I only recommend it if the ending has not been spoiled. my mother spoiled the ending for me so the whole movie had absoulutly no purpose whatsoever. other than that its good.
The sixth sense - The Sixth Sense Reviews
" I see dead people ". I bought this dvd in Blockbuster and man this movie was a blast!! Bruce Willis was the ghost, a very thrilling ending. Dr. Malcom Crowe helps a child that has some problems seeing dead people. M. Night Shyamalan first blockbuster hit! Well done thriller.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Really freaky - The Sixth Sense Reviews
This is such a good idea, and its done to its fullest, and its very full, exept the fact that thet cast the worst actor out their in the lead. But Bruce Willis is actually not that bad, in this one, although Osment outshines him by far.
A classic - The Sixth Sense Reviews
This may be one of the top 5 most beloved and heard of movies of all times. I didnt think it was that scary as most people but it was a CLASSIC. This movie is haunting and the story line rocks! The end was genius, I only wish it could have been scarier.
This is what the ring tried to be - The Sixth Sense Reviews
This is truly the best pyschological thriller of the 1990's. This is truly a very scary movie. I'm not sure exactly what to write from here on out, because I don't think there is much more that you can say. This is truly a very good, and a very scary movie.
Friday, September 21, 2007
The sixth sense of terror! - The Sixth Sense Reviews
Psychological thriller about a boy whose gifted with the horrid ability to see and hear ghosts. An academy award nominated performance by Haley Joel Osmont who?s tormented by frequent visits from spirits of the undead. Arduously trying to help the young boy grim terror is a child psychologist who?s played by Bruce Willis. Director M. Night Shyamalan paces the film beautifully, with the sudden glimpse of scare tones to help build this suspenseful tale to a highlighted climax. The onscreen chemistry of lead actors Willis and Osmont are quite good as they bring a sense of understanding and grief to there roles which is equally appreciated.
The thinking person's horror story - The Sixth Sense Reviews
Without a doubt, one of the most in-depth horror movies ever. It's rare for anything on the big screen to capture the intricacies of a well written novel; rarer still for the horror genre. (Now honestly, how many REALLY GOOD Stephen King movies are out there?) I'm glad to see that I'm far from being the only person who saw this outstanding movie twice. I found it even more thought-provoking the second time around. See it. Enjoy it. Don't let anyone tell you about the ending.
Haunting, beautiful, ultimately unforgettable... - The Sixth Sense Reviews
It's unlikely many people will be reading this review, as there are so many user comments rushing in that this is likely to just be passed by.
I haven't seen The Sixth Sense since November (the first time I saw it was at my friend's house), yet I think about every day, play it back in my mind constantly. I recently bought it on DVD, but I haven't watched it, as it is very hard to start, and nearly impossible to stop.
The acting, especially by Haley Joel Osment (the only child actor in Hollywood history to deserve this much attention) is excellent, and to say this is my favorite film is an extreme understatement.
The cult favorite of 90z... - The Sixth Sense Reviews
Being in Iceland we often get pictures few weeks later, after they're shown in the US. Most of the times we premiere them before or at the same time as in England or any other Europe country. Seeing the success in US made me very curious. Could Bruce Willis really act? Was this such a great movie, that both critics and audiences loved it so? With huge anticipation I finally got to see the film in October and although I expected something great, I didn't expect it like that!! The scripting, the plot, the directing, the acting ... is one of the best I've ever seen. I've always been fond of Bruce Willis films, the action and suspension. But this is by far his best film, his best acting, and most profitable! The star of the movie is Harvey Joel Osment, a true wonderkid, and if there ever was a justice in awards for acting, this kid should get some trophies. The script should be nominated too, plus Olivia Williams and Toni Collette. All are doing a great job and when you think about this film after you've seen... you get more and more convinced. This is arguably the best movie I've seen (besides Titanic) and I want to thank everyone involved in it for that. A true masterpiece. A true gem. A film you won't forget. And because of this film, I have high hopes for young Americans (well, from India or other countries) as directors. See it and believe it. Thanks.
One of the great movies of the 90's - The Sixth Sense Reviews
The movie takes a simple human concept and turns it into a compelling evocation of the search for love, happiness, and eternity. With a few scares. A great story told on many levels. Superb and I mean outstanding acting. If you haven't seen it don't let anyone tell you about it, just get it and enjoy. Possible Spoiler: The human concept? People see what they want to see.
One of my all-time favorites... - The Sixth Sense Reviews
This is one of my all-time favorite movies. It also scared the pants off of me because I believe in ghosts and spirits. The acting was phenomenal across the board; I don't know if there has ever been a kid performance as good as Osment's. I think he should have won the Oscar that year. But besides being freaky, this was one of the most touching movies I have ever seen. The scene where Cole and his Mom finally connect in the car always makes me tear-up. And the ending was ALL THAT! One of the best surprise endings ever.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
A beautifully crafted ghost story - The Sixth Sense Reviews
This movie was never scary to me. It was always just sad. Don't get me wrong, I really loved this movie. I was just able to allow myself to see deeper than a few scares. Like all good ghost stories, once you peel away the fear of the unknown, there is a story of sadness. Of life cut short. In most good ghost stories, the ghost's need our help and reach out to us. The fear comes from our reaction to them. They are the dead who have no voice and are trapped. This movie is a beautiful portrait of sadness. It also had a wonderful relationship between a mother and her son. She cannot reach him, she is the only person that thinks he's normal, he will never let her know how different he is. They, just like the ghosts, have no way to communicate with one another. There is love and small moments of joy that they share but always under a blanket of sadness. I love this movie because it tells us a story. A good story about a scary subject but puts a new twist on it. It reminds us how sad and lonely ghosts can be, and how much they need us, and how we need them. It shows us that sadness does not end with death, we can carry with us always. Sometimes we just need someone to set us free.
Should've won oscar for best picture... - The Sixth Sense Reviews
This movie caught me totally by surprise. I saw it with fairly low expectations (always a good thing) and found it to be entertaining. The surprise ending totally blew me away. I see so many movies that I rarely see anything I was not expecting. If you don't already know the plot, this is the story of a psychiatrist and a boy who sees ghosts. M. Night Shyamalan showed true genius in the directing of this film. I had to see it a second time to really appreciate how every detail was perfect. When viewing the second time I was constantly thinking how could I have missed that?! Every clue was there. Every scene had just the perfect amount of subtly. The Sixth Sense was by far the best movie of 1999.
See it at least twice to credit you've understood - The Sixth Sense Reviews
A film that I saw two years ago in the local cinema in Cutral Co, Argentina, just on my birthday was this amazing film written and directed by M Night Shyalaman, starred by Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osmeid and others. Since that moment I've turned into a fan of The Sixth Sense and why not of Shyalaman's scripts.
The film takes you about two hours and a half to watch, but it will take you nearly a month to understand. The Sixth Sense, which is set in Philadelphia -land of the most popular boxer on the screen "Rocky"- is a dramatic and suspense movie with a bit of horror.
Bruce Willis as Malcom Crowe and Joel Osmeid who starred Cole Sear are the main characters. They stay together and need each other during the film. The Sixth Sense is the story of a boy who can see dead people that talk to him asking for help, but Cole Sear is scared and he won't control this gift unless he lets Malcom Crowe help him with this phenomenon.
I was very surprised about the ending of the film (which I'm not going to reveal!!!), because Bruce Willis gives a dramatic, emotive and unexpected way to his character, as well as Osmeid, who despite being a young actor, seemed to be an expert one.
I liked the acting, but without organisation and leading this would have been nothing, which means I liked the direction too. Make-up artists and dressers made a fantastic work, also costumes helped the photography director to highlight his job in the horror scenes.I think the sound technicians made a perfect work because the music was very good and the sound fused fantasy with horror.
If you like films difficult to understand, and to see them again and again and again, this one is for you: you'll have to see it at least twice to credit that you've understood this exceptional film.
I see red people. - The Sixth Sense Reviews
There aren't too many movies that can give me the willies just by thinking about them too hard. But I live in a really old building, and after seeing this film, its now just too easy to imagine the specters of all the previous residents walking around me unseen. Movie totally got under my skin, and hit that one nerve capable of stirring the sleeping primal fear. It's all woven around a very interesting and convincing drama, the scariness complimenting the drama and vice versa, just extremely well done. Bruce Willis is one of those guys that you know is a total cheese ball, yet most of his work is pretty damn good. He's great, the kid is great, the two female leads both excellent. All around top notch, no criticisms whatsoever. Oh yeah, the famous ending is probably the best twist since Dr. Calgari. Rod Serling would be proud. Now I'm good and spooked from just thinking about it again...
I really saw "dead people!" - The Sixth Sense Reviews
Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment) is a VERY troubled child who is surrounded by ghosts - actual ghosts - day in and day out. Into this mess steps acclaimed child psychiatrist Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis) who makes it his life's mission to help Cole come to terms with this existence.
What else can I say but FANTASTIC? I'm not surprised this would end up on a top 250 list. This is an intelligent, brilliantly subtle piece of work that demands more than one viewing (for some people, anyway). It's spooky without resorting to special effects for its impact, and the four (five, actually - don't forget Donnie Wahlberg's compellingly upsetting cameo) lead performances are top-notch. Osment is particularly noteworthy, delivering quite a mature performance for a child his age (what was he when they made this, 10 years old?).
If you're like me, you'll want to watch it again just to note the clues left throughout the film that indicate what the film's ultimate surprise will be (I wouldn't DREAM of giving it away - I'm not stupid!).
Writer-director M. Night Shyamalan certainly succeeded in his goal - he did create a "cultural phenomenon" that does "get under the skin". This is the kind of film I think people would definitely remember.
Worthy of an A+ rating.
Horror classic - The Sixth Sense Reviews
"I see dead people," frightened ten year-old Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment) whispers to dedicated child psychologist Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis). Whenever young Cole says anything disturbing, he whispers it -- making it more disturbing. Cole's power -- THE SIXTH SENSE -- allows him to see dead people at every turn, still caught in the limbo between the end of life and eternal rest, unable to accept their own demise. Their gaping wounds and other signs give away the manner by which death apprehended them.
At first, the psychologist is skeptical of the kid's alleged powers, and he treats the case like every other abnormal-psychology profile. He figures that the divorce of Cole's parents has probably short-circuited some impish synapse in the child's imagination. But, the therapist and patient gravitate toward one another as irresistible partners in a world that has become a void of isolation -- for both. At key moments, it is difficult to discern who is the therapist, and who is the patient.
If at this point, you do not already suspect that this movie inspires more pathos than chills, let it be clearly stated: THE SIXTH SENSE is not a schlock shocker. Its sparse thrills are made that much more satisfying because, in the context of the human story behind them, they appear that much more tenable. In its construct of a ghost story told through the medium of a child, THE SIXTH SENSE is a post-modern thriller along the lines of THE EXORCIST (1973) or THE SHINING (1980). This same construct allows the film to be more effective by tapping the reservoir of our memories of being afraid, as children. But, in its blend of quasi-tragic melodrama with terror, THE SIXTH SENSE is a throwback to classic horror movies of the thirties and forties.
Contributing to that impression is director Shyamalan's form, and cinematographer Fujimoto's technique, both of which styles evoke a bygone era. Aside from the presence of Mr. Willis and Olivia Williams in the first scene, the beginning of the film, stylishly shot as a reflection on a plaque, might well be mistaken for a classic movie outtake. Even the color tint of the sequence evokes an earlier age (or, color filters). Mr. Shyamalan's use of elegant establishing shots, and prolonged fade-ins are also distinctive.
The symbiotic relationship between the two major characters in this movie reminded me of the melancholy friendship between the Monster and the Hermit in THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN (1935) -- although, here, the relationship is developed further. The climax of that development adeptly provides a bombshell revelation at the end of this film that may give THE SIXTH SENSE the most talked about twist since THE CRYING GAME (1992), and Bruce Willis, his best movie since PULP FICTION (1994).
(Carlos Colorado)
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