Thursday, September 20, 2007

See it at least twice to credit you've understood - The Sixth Sense Reviews

A film that I saw two years ago in the local cinema in Cutral Co, Argentina, just on my birthday was this amazing film written and directed by M Night Shyalaman, starred by Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osmeid and others. Since that moment I've turned into a fan of The Sixth Sense and why not of Shyalaman's scripts. The film takes you about two hours and a half to watch, but it will take you nearly a month to understand. The Sixth Sense, which is set in Philadelphia -land of the most popular boxer on the screen "Rocky"- is a dramatic and suspense movie with a bit of horror. Bruce Willis as Malcom Crowe and Joel Osmeid who starred Cole Sear are the main characters. They stay together and need each other during the film. The Sixth Sense is the story of a boy who can see dead people that talk to him asking for help, but Cole Sear is scared and he won't control this gift unless he lets Malcom Crowe help him with this phenomenon. I was very surprised about the ending of the film (which I'm not going to reveal!!!), because Bruce Willis gives a dramatic, emotive and unexpected way to his character, as well as Osmeid, who despite being a young actor, seemed to be an expert one. I liked the acting, but without organisation and leading this would have been nothing, which means I liked the direction too. Make-up artists and dressers made a fantastic work, also costumes helped the photography director to highlight his job in the horror scenes.I think the sound technicians made a perfect work because the music was very good and the sound fused fantasy with horror. If you like films difficult to understand, and to see them again and again and again, this one is for you: you'll have to see it at least twice to credit that you've understood this exceptional film.

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