Thursday, September 20, 2007

I really saw "dead people!" - The Sixth Sense Reviews

Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment) is a VERY troubled child who is surrounded by ghosts - actual ghosts - day in and day out. Into this mess steps acclaimed child psychiatrist Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis) who makes it his life's mission to help Cole come to terms with this existence. What else can I say but FANTASTIC? I'm not surprised this would end up on a top 250 list. This is an intelligent, brilliantly subtle piece of work that demands more than one viewing (for some people, anyway). It's spooky without resorting to special effects for its impact, and the four (five, actually - don't forget Donnie Wahlberg's compellingly upsetting cameo) lead performances are top-notch. Osment is particularly noteworthy, delivering quite a mature performance for a child his age (what was he when they made this, 10 years old?). If you're like me, you'll want to watch it again just to note the clues left throughout the film that indicate what the film's ultimate surprise will be (I wouldn't DREAM of giving it away - I'm not stupid!). Writer-director M. Night Shyamalan certainly succeeded in his goal - he did create a "cultural phenomenon" that does "get under the skin". This is the kind of film I think people would definitely remember. Worthy of an A+ rating.

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