Thursday, September 27, 2007

Oooooovvvvverrrrraaaaaaatttteeeddd - The Sixth Sense Reviews

What is allegedly one of the greatest thrillers ever plays like a movie from the 1920s. All the ingredients of a bad movie are present. Sixth Sense is boring, plotless, and boasts a total of about 25 seconds of entertainment in the whole film. Worst of all for a movie of this genre, it's not even remotely scary. What's so great about the kid's performance? He bored me to death. Bruce Willis is an overrated actor. This is one of the worst movies EVER. And what's worse is that people actually liked it! I can't understand. You'll hate a movie more if lots of people like it (I know from films like The Aviator and Spirited Away). So if you liked this movie, I can only say one thing: I SEE GAY PEOPLE.

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