Friday, September 21, 2007

The cult favorite of 90z... - The Sixth Sense Reviews

Being in Iceland we often get pictures few weeks later, after they're shown in the US. Most of the times we premiere them before or at the same time as in England or any other Europe country. Seeing the success in US made me very curious. Could Bruce Willis really act? Was this such a great movie, that both critics and audiences loved it so? With huge anticipation I finally got to see the film in October and although I expected something great, I didn't expect it like that!! The scripting, the plot, the directing, the acting ... is one of the best I've ever seen. I've always been fond of Bruce Willis films, the action and suspension. But this is by far his best film, his best acting, and most profitable! The star of the movie is Harvey Joel Osment, a true wonderkid, and if there ever was a justice in awards for acting, this kid should get some trophies. The script should be nominated too, plus Olivia Williams and Toni Collette. All are doing a great job and when you think about this film after you've seen... you get more and more convinced. This is arguably the best movie I've seen (besides Titanic) and I want to thank everyone involved in it for that. A true masterpiece. A true gem. A film you won't forget. And because of this film, I have high hopes for young Americans (well, from India or other countries) as directors. See it and believe it. Thanks.

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