Thursday, September 20, 2007

I see red people. - The Sixth Sense Reviews

There aren't too many movies that can give me the willies just by thinking about them too hard. But I live in a really old building, and after seeing this film, its now just too easy to imagine the specters of all the previous residents walking around me unseen. Movie totally got under my skin, and hit that one nerve capable of stirring the sleeping primal fear. It's all woven around a very interesting and convincing drama, the scariness complimenting the drama and vice versa, just extremely well done. Bruce Willis is one of those guys that you know is a total cheese ball, yet most of his work is pretty damn good. He's great, the kid is great, the two female leads both excellent. All around top notch, no criticisms whatsoever. Oh yeah, the famous ending is probably the best twist since Dr. Calgari. Rod Serling would be proud. Now I'm good and spooked from just thinking about it again...

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